
You are God’s story-worthy hero. He wants to use your life to change the world.

What do Redeeming LoveGone with the Wind, the Harry Potter series, and John’s Gospel have in common? They are each compelling stories that have resonated with readers around the world. But what else? Despite plots that couldn’t be more different, all four leverage story structure to engage readers and reinforce their theme.

Part Bible study, part guidebook, Writing Your Story with God examines the mechanics of plotting a story, using John’s Gospel as the primary example. Together we will explore how John structured his unique and powerful retelling of the life of Christ. Inspired by my experiences during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), this 30-day Bible study will guide you through the process of writing or outlining your story.

Each lesson examines a component of plot structure and considers how John implemented it in his Gospel. The day then concludes with reflection questions about how God is using your life to tell His amazing story.

Throughout Writing Your Story With God, there are questions to help you brainstorm your story, dig into the Gospel of John, and explore the story God is telling in your life. Beneath each question, I provided space for you to answer. For eBook readers, or those who want more space, I created Journaling Through John.

Here you will find each day’s scriptures, allowing you to highlight, mark, and scribble on them. There are also journaling pages, with lines made of the words in John’s Gospel, to give you more space for your thoughts. I scattered quotes and questions from this study among the journaling pages and each entry has a full-page illustration of Jesus’ story. For the sake of my eBook readers, Journaling Through John includes the Glossary and Appendix from Writing Your Story With God.

Journaling through John is a companion journal created specifically for Writing Your Story With God. This is not designed to function as a standalone journal.